Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Butterfly Collection

Today Isaac and I have been doing a little summer cleaning that has been severely neglected for 2 years. The dreaded kitchen pantry. Recently 433 has been experiencing an ebb and flow of a rather pesky moth problem that originated in the pantry in the spring. We thought we have taken care of the problem by setting moth traps to eradicate the population, and had done so for a short period, however have recently discovered that they were not only back, but breeding in our food stuffs. ALL of our food stuffs, from our flour to our black pepper. How can a creature spawn in a bag of black pepper? Simply unnecessary. Really.

Here we see a selection of our butterfly collection. These specific ones were caught in our pantry. This is about 1 months worth of moth trapping, and mind you, this is only 1 of 3 moth traps set in our lovely kitchen.

Here is a selection of food stuffs that we pulled out of our moth breeding ground.

Here is a selection of spices we pulled out of our pantry. Many of them discarded due to moth copulation and nesting within the bagged content.

Also found within the tainted goods was a strange person's pills. Does anyone know a Johanna Vipari? Well, if you do, tell her she left her pills in our moth sex den we call our pantry. Hopefully she is alive and well without her pills.

One and a half hours, and 4 garbage bags full of moth diseased contents later our pantry was beautiful. Organized, spacious, bonerific.

And suddenly the sun set, and our kitchen was peaceful. Isaac and I stood in aw and cried.

We then rewarded ourselves with a beer on our front porch and an awkward conversation with our landlord Mark.


  1. HOLY CRAP. that is NOT our pantry, no way

  2. Isaac even bought big tupperware things to put our baking goods into.


  3. you should have asked me before you threw out all my foodstuffs. i'm sure i left something good in there.

    loving this blog btw
