Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Un Grand Ouef

So I went to my parent's farm for the week and came across what could be the largest chicken egg in human history.

So what can one man do with an egg this large one might ask? It turns out that one can do many things.

Like placing it next to other sphereical objects to show the breathtaking scale of how large this egg is.

Or putting it amongst other lesser eggs to make them all feel very very inadquate.

Or I could put it in one hand and a regular egg in the other and compare the weight difference of each one.

Or I could eat it. Based on the weight, I thought it feasible that a small flacid chicken carcass fall out of the orb into my hot frying pan.

But instead, it resembled something more similar to the BP oil spill... and it was delicious.

Fashion (de)Files

Without Zack's in house fashion advice we've taken to wearing these around the 433 stable...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kick Out the Jam

Today Isaac and I decided to make some jam. We found a recipe online that became our rough inspirational guideline.

Isaac and I shared a beautiful bonding moment that only men can have with other men. We pitted cherries and talked about our feelings, our likes and dislikes, and so forth.

Here we see Isaac immerGGGGing our pitted cherries.

Here we see Isaac slaving over a hot stove.

After thickening with mounds of sugar, we seductively scoop the thick, rich, creamy, sweet white froth off the top and placed it gently, if not sensuously into our mouths... I mean the bowl.

And voila, we have delicious jam!! A glorified breakfast syrup rich with refined sugar!!

Japanese Bike Helmet

We were going to make this for Zack before his trip, but alas he left far too early.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Summation of Our Blogging Purposes

Yes this is a blog, nay a forum, where we the people can discuss freely on issues about the catbus, and how it can drastically improve the quality of life to those around the world. However this blog holds even more significance, as it chronicles the day and the life of Jason and Isaac living in their Toronto apartment. Why? Because we are awesome... and also because our third roommate Zack has just left for Japan on a cycling tour for 3 months and we want to document our lives for him while he is gone.

Video Evidence

If only the TTC had these. I think everyone would be happier after a ride on the catbus.