Thursday, July 29, 2010

*That's What She Said

For over two years 433 has induced many scrapes, bruises, cracks, and in one case holes, that have needed repairing for years. Well, last week Isaac took it upon himself to put on his Mr. Fix-it cap and do some repairs, including one hole that needed filling*.

Here we see the hallway leading to our bike room. For years the walls of this hallway have endured scrapes, bumps, and more scrapes from the hundreds and hundreds of bikes that have been leaned up against, and gone in and out of it*. Well last week Isaac filled in the numerous cracks* scrapes and scuffs that have sullied these walls for years.

3 Years ago, a past resident of 433 thought it a good idea to install a shelving unit in the kitchen. And install he did, and in the process created a bocce ball sized hole in the shared living room wall. The solution: To hang a 3 by 3 framed picture of birds made of fabric over it... until last week. Isaac took out his trowel and plugged that hole up good*. Oh yeah he did!

A final coat needs to be applied, but for the most part, the living room looks twice as large now that the hole has been filled thanks to Isaac's handy work. 433 is finally starting to heal it's wounds. Now if only we could do something about the mold problem...

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Hillside Doppelgangers

For the past 3 years I have attended the Hillside music festival in Guelph, Ontario, and despite the terrible weather that seems to loom every year, there always seems to be a magical moment that makes you realize why you keep coming back. This year that moment came Sunday afternoon. After 2 days of some good, but mostly okay performances, a band called Zeus made their way onto the stage. Harboring much buzz amongst festival goers, their had been an air of anticipation amongst the audience while doing their sound check. Yet despite all of this, I, along with my companions could not get over the fact that one of the band members looked identical to Zack circa 2008.
Tall and lanky: check; Gross beard: check; ponytail: double check.


But the fun didn't stop there. I also stumbled across my own doppelganger circa 2008/2009.
Asian: check; buzzed head: check; thick framed glasses: check; subtle hipster semblance: check; all white cast of friends and girlfriend: double check.


Zeus went on to steal the show that day, making me, and others like me, realize why we keep showing up to these things. Despite the rain, the humidity, the long line-ups to pee, the uncomfortable run-ins with distant acquaintances, and bouts of dehydration, its the moments where you see someone who looks exactly like you and those you know that make you realize that its all worth it.

(Above) Zack, Vocals, keys, and guitar for Zeus.

Thank Trish for this beautiful blog...

This Blog kills me with its passive-aggressiveness. Plus I dislike cats, so its about perfect.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Butterfly Collection

Today Isaac and I have been doing a little summer cleaning that has been severely neglected for 2 years. The dreaded kitchen pantry. Recently 433 has been experiencing an ebb and flow of a rather pesky moth problem that originated in the pantry in the spring. We thought we have taken care of the problem by setting moth traps to eradicate the population, and had done so for a short period, however have recently discovered that they were not only back, but breeding in our food stuffs. ALL of our food stuffs, from our flour to our black pepper. How can a creature spawn in a bag of black pepper? Simply unnecessary. Really.

Here we see a selection of our butterfly collection. These specific ones were caught in our pantry. This is about 1 months worth of moth trapping, and mind you, this is only 1 of 3 moth traps set in our lovely kitchen.

Here is a selection of food stuffs that we pulled out of our moth breeding ground.

Here is a selection of spices we pulled out of our pantry. Many of them discarded due to moth copulation and nesting within the bagged content.

Also found within the tainted goods was a strange person's pills. Does anyone know a Johanna Vipari? Well, if you do, tell her she left her pills in our moth sex den we call our pantry. Hopefully she is alive and well without her pills.

One and a half hours, and 4 garbage bags full of moth diseased contents later our pantry was beautiful. Organized, spacious, bonerific.

And suddenly the sun set, and our kitchen was peaceful. Isaac and I stood in aw and cried.

We then rewarded ourselves with a beer on our front porch and an awkward conversation with our landlord Mark.

A Recipe For An Epic Poo

If you know anything about 433, then you know how important it is for those who live there to not only have great bowel movements, but to have them frequently. For a week now I has been working hard at a summer camp taking care of kids and eating camp "food." These foods include heavily processed frozen goods that can be microwaved and/or quickly warmed in the oven in mass quantities, served with "vegetables" (ketchup) and fruit juice (orange drink or purple stuff). I have recently learned that there is nothing worse than a luke-warm soggy breaded chicken burger patty on a stale, partially frozen whole wheat hamburger bun, served with under-ovened frozen potato wedges. So after a bout of chronic constipation, I was relieved to find that I was pooing, not only frequently, but epically this past weekend... That is until I realized that I was having to go more frequently than I wanted, and the consistency was also... not so ideal.

During my slow recovery, I decided to make my own food for the week to ensure that this would not happen again. Menu item #1, The Breakfast Cookie: Incredibly high in fibre, healthy, low in fat, good source of carbohydrates.

Recipe: Whole wheat flour, brown sugar, apple sauce, flax seed, egg whites, almond slivers, wheat germ, prune puree, raisins.

Happy pooping.

kick the burger to the moon!

Since you guys are outside the viral video loop while on the other side of the world....I present to you:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Lonley 1 in Japan

For those people on biking tours in Japan, the Japanese have found a cure for your lonesome nights: The Girlfriend Lap pillow.

It may be awkward to transport, but its worth the companionship when times are hard. Who needs a warm body when you can cozy up with legs like that.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Changing Neighbourhood

Some of Jason and Isaac's favorite businesses are closing in their neighbourhood to make way for what will likely be another hipster coffee place or raw food restaurant. Sigh.

Not Steve's Meats!!

The store that sells everything store is closing. Where else will I buy feta cheese, portable gas BBQ's, and garden shears in one store?

Dundas Pizza closed until August 9th?!? NOOOOOOO!!! Good for the arteries, bad for the soul.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Head That Meat Built

Since the dawn of man it was said that Jason had one of the largest heads in existence, however after doing a bit of research (googled "average head size") and sifting through the many many websites on average penis size, I finally got some answers. According to Wikianswers, the most reliable and respected website on human anatomy, the average circumference of a male adult human head is 22.5 inches or 57cm. So how did those at 433 fair?

Isaac's head measured in at a whopping 23 inches in diameter. What a freak show. OMG LOL LMAO PWND etc.

While Jason's head measured in at a perfectly proportionate 22.5 inches. He's so dreamy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Calves That Meat Built

We are here today to answer the burning question "Whose calves are the biggest at 433?" Here are the results.

Isaac's Calves

Jason's Calves

Isaac's calves measured in at 16 inches in diameter

Jason's calves also measured in at 16 inches in diameter. Its a tie!!!

I know why you like Metal, Zack....'s just so damn manly.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mouse Traps & Oven Mits

This morning I went to the basement to do some laundry and heard a scuffle in a hole of one of the cinder blocks propping up my parent's water heater. It was a mouse trap. It had been set off earlier in the morning, but whatever it had caught was clearly still alive and trying to escape. So what did I do? I did what any rational person would do, I ran upstairs to the kitchen, got an oven mit to protect my danty hand (in case whatever it was that was trapped was angry and bitey), and went back downstairs to see what was caught.

A part of me was expecting to see an unfortunate mouse, now a paraplegic with a broken back needing me to put it out of its misery. However, what I found instead was a traumatized mouse with an injured tail.

So I took him outside to release him back into the wild, but only after I took a few pictures of it in its little predicament.

Here is another picture of him scared and afraid.

And then it gave me, what seems to be, a "fuck you" facial experssion, so I thought it a good time to release the little guy.

So I released him into an open field where I'm sure it became a tasty meal for a large bird with talons but who knows, lets hope for the best. Afterwards, my dad yelled at me because he found out that I was using an oven mit during this whole ordeal and said "You know we serve food with those, right?" In retrospect, perhaps an oven mit was a poor choice....

Thursday, July 1, 2010