Thursday, July 29, 2010

*That's What She Said

For over two years 433 has induced many scrapes, bruises, cracks, and in one case holes, that have needed repairing for years. Well, last week Isaac took it upon himself to put on his Mr. Fix-it cap and do some repairs, including one hole that needed filling*.

Here we see the hallway leading to our bike room. For years the walls of this hallway have endured scrapes, bumps, and more scrapes from the hundreds and hundreds of bikes that have been leaned up against, and gone in and out of it*. Well last week Isaac filled in the numerous cracks* scrapes and scuffs that have sullied these walls for years.

3 Years ago, a past resident of 433 thought it a good idea to install a shelving unit in the kitchen. And install he did, and in the process created a bocce ball sized hole in the shared living room wall. The solution: To hang a 3 by 3 framed picture of birds made of fabric over it... until last week. Isaac took out his trowel and plugged that hole up good*. Oh yeah he did!

A final coat needs to be applied, but for the most part, the living room looks twice as large now that the hole has been filled thanks to Isaac's handy work. 433 is finally starting to heal it's wounds. Now if only we could do something about the mold problem...

1 comment:

  1. i guess i could come by and help sand/paint...

    But seriously, that shelf could support every member (post and current) of clendenan after ordering in from dundas pizza, and a bread box.

