Friday, August 27, 2010

Pink Eye, Food Critics, and Asians Bakers

Nothing particularly new to report here at 433, except that Isaac got pink eye, was a judge for the first episode of Canadian Top Chef, and I baked this this evening:

A braided pesto bread! Its the first time I've ever attempted baking my own bread, never realizing how easy it was.

My work station.

This is what it looked like before I put it in the oven at 350F

35 minutes later and this monstrous piece of food came out of the oven. And if you were wondering, it tastes even better than it looks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beers, Beatles, and Human Centipedes

Since Zack's excursion, the Wii has been severely neglected, and in fact has not been touched since Zack's going away party. So we here at 433 thought it be fun to invite some of our very best friends over, dust off our subpar gaming machine, drink some beer, and play some Bealtes Rock Band.

Also on the agenda was to watch the movie trailer for the Human Centipede. Here were some of the reaction caught on camera:

What is disturbing is that Zak looks like he is liking it... but in that disturbing kind of way. Quite disturbing.

Jon looks hungry. Hungry for human centipede. Hungry to be apart of a human centipede? Maybe.

Luchan does not look hungry, but only disturbed.

All in all, it was a good night of dinner, beers, and video games. Zack, you were sorely missed.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tale of the Giant Cetipede

In the past, there have been stories of centipede sightings here at 433. Some take place in the bathroom, while others take place during the night while in bed. I cannot imagine anything worse than being awoken from the purgatory of sleep to feel a hairy centipede rapidly crawling across your bare chest, perhaps ensnaring itself in a tuft of chest hair before barrelling towards the dark recesses of your bed. After hearing such tales, you start thinking of other possibilities like, maybe, centipedes crawling into your mouth to lay eggs under your skin, or feeding off of the food stuck in your teeth, all while enjoying a pleasent night's sleep.

Last night, after getting home from a Blue Jays game, I went into the bathroom to discover the largest goddamn centipede living behind the door. Probably living off of moths and spiders that also tend to cohabit the home, it reacted to my girly scream by scampering towards the hallway.

Initially I tried to kill it by throwing Zack's size 13 boot at it. After missing several times due to a combination of my lame throwing skills and its impressive agility and speed, I stabbed it with a toilet plunger. Above is the result of the conquered beast.

This photo shows the scope and size of how large this centipede was.

That is what my face looks like when pumped full of adrenaline. I was filled with emotions.

I am the Ultimate Warrior!!!! "__________!!!!" (<-- enter war cry here)

And as we do with any disgusting insect, we flushed it down the toilet.

After experiencing this horrific creature, I can see why one would buy a futon to keep themselves elevated off the ground while sleeping after having one crawl on their bare sleeping body at night, ZACK. Dear god, I just gave myself the chills.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Shave Your Beard In My Sink

When you live with someone long enough, you tend to find the habits of your fellow cohabitants the bane of your existence. Some of them may be warranted, while most are often signs that you should start looking for another place to live. One said habit is that of 433's Isaac and his habit of leaving hair clippings on and around the bathroom sink after shaving his beard. Although this habit is not a blip on my radar, it is for our dearest Zack. So after finding them in the bathroom today (evidence of Isaac getting ready for a wedding), I thought I should post them in case Zack missed seeing them:

The culprit.

The evidence (Upper right base of sink)

Bits of the good stuff (Upper left portion of the sink)

Now the question is ,"How long will they live there for?" Only time will tell.