Friday, August 6, 2010

Shave Your Beard In My Sink

When you live with someone long enough, you tend to find the habits of your fellow cohabitants the bane of your existence. Some of them may be warranted, while most are often signs that you should start looking for another place to live. One said habit is that of 433's Isaac and his habit of leaving hair clippings on and around the bathroom sink after shaving his beard. Although this habit is not a blip on my radar, it is for our dearest Zack. So after finding them in the bathroom today (evidence of Isaac getting ready for a wedding), I thought I should post them in case Zack missed seeing them:

The culprit.

The evidence (Upper right base of sink)

Bits of the good stuff (Upper left portion of the sink)

Now the question is ,"How long will they live there for?" Only time will tell.


  1. those are the creepiest photos i've ever seen.

  2. This is why I carefully hold my bearded face over an open flame when grooming is necessary. No mess! Minor burns!

  3. makes you kind of miss the red tinge of my beard clippings eh? much prettier
