Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best Website In The Whole Internets!

Last night I was reading an article on the CBC about now-famous Bloggers who have recently signed book deals based on their internet musings. One said blog is called Awkward Family Photos. Once I clicked on the provided link for this site, my world was flipped completely upside down due to the blog's brilliant, deep, ethereal concept. A single tear of joy slowly traveled down my cheek as I said "thank you." Please enjoy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Food Food Food

Slowly yet surely this blog is becoming very food oriented. This was not the original intention, but perhaps the reason why this is so is because its one of the only things that I do around 433 other than watch watch movies, play video games... and do other things that may or may not be inappropriate to post on this public forum. But anyways, today I made this awesome fucaccia:

Here it is at a bird's eye view.

Another angle. Its inspired by a recipe from Earth to Table , a fancy cook book Isaac picked up a little while ago. Its whole wheat, with a homemade pesto, and slices of tomatoes from my parent's farm. Its delicious.

Also, the other day I made this great lemon chicken with roasted carrots, potato salad and peas:

It was lemony and tasty.

The portion sizes were generous too.

...And I think its official, I make one mean ass gravy.

Unlike Isaac, I think I'm turning white. I think Zack said it best, "You are the best non-white person I know who can cook white-people food." Is it true? I don't know, but I sure do enjoy it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Proud Midnight Baker

Making the perfect loaf of bread: This past week I have become a very determined, dedicated, and slightely obsessed person trying to teach myself this dying trade. It all started with making that braided pesto bread. After making that, I thought learning to make a basic loaf would be a piece of cake. Boy, was I wrong. It turns out that it is a very finicky process. The water can't be to hot, the room can't be too cold or drafty, you have to knead the dough very diligently... fuck, you know? Just to make one lousy loaf of bread. Well I am pleased to say that I have successfully baked my first loaf of bread... at exactly 11:29pm.

It was a basic white loaf. I was smitten when I saw it come out of the oven.

Here it is again at an alternate angle. I shall name thee "Loafy."

After one week, one bag of flour, 4 packets of yeast, and a lot of time I managed to finally teach myself to make this beautiful airy, delicious loaf of food. To reward myself, a nice midnight snack; cheddar on fresh homemade bread. I'm going to go have another and watch the 5th season of The Shield now.

He Thinks He's Turning Japanese

Isaac is dating a very lovely Japanese woman (Hi Trish), and we here at 433 love her dearly however there is a slight concern that we feel as though he thinks that he is slowly turning... Japanese.

Case in point, Today Isaac was trying to explain to me how home made dumplings are made because he had done it with Trish and her family the other night.

Now, there is no problem with that except this is what Isaac looks like:

This is what I look like:

Forget about why we are both wearing suits because thats not the topic at hand here. Now look again, closely this time, and wonder why I would be offended by this. Maybe he thinks gyoza and dumplings are two completely different things, or maybe he doesn't see colour, who knows!! But one thing is for sure, I've made dumplings before.

Today Isaac and I shared a plate of his home made gyoza for lunch. They were spectacularly amazing... So maybe he IS turning Japanese, who knows. As a Korean, I wouldn't be surprised. Those sneaky Japanese, they're so sneaky.

If You Live In This Neighbourhood, You Could Be An Eggplant

Since Zack's departure, there have been numerous changes in the neighbourhood which have no doubt solidified it as one of the city's latest gentrified communities.

As I was walking to the grocery store I was pleased to see that the frightening dog breeders a few doors down put up a proper fence. Hopefully this will do a more adequate job then the waist high chain link fence they had prior from seperating their horrific dobermans from small children walking to school and the babies at the daycare that is situated RIGHT NEXT DOOR to them. It looks nice at least.

Walking along Annette, two of the four million churches that reside along here are being converted into condos. I have mixed feelings about them... Here is one of them which I feel will be an eye sore.

Here is the other one that I think will turn out to be quite nice.

This place popped up about a month ago. A glorified day care that have afterschool "education programs" with clowns and juggling. I almost applied for this job, and remember in the description it said "must have experience with kids in field of education, or clowning background." Maybe not word for word, but to the same extent. I project that this place will close within the year.

Another ultra-hip salvaged furniture store has opened up next to the organic grocer. It has no sign and is extremely expensive. I have not been inside because, quite frankly, I'm not cool enough.

A new fancy cheese shop has just opened up next to our local video store. I believe they would classify themselves (according to their window) as a "fromagerie," which makes me want to punch them in the face. If you proudly buy cheese at a fromagerie, you are definitely an eggplant.

One sure sign that your neighbourhood is fully gentrified is if it contains an organic dog treat shop. Its for dog owners who over groom their pets and treat them like children and not what they actually are... a pet. Love your pets, but make sure you ease up when you realize that you're acting like an idiot. If you buy your dog organic dog treats, you are an eggplant.

What was once a beautiful old hardware store is now this. Yes, they tore down the old place and put up this little number. It looks kind of neat, but its still vacant. I think there were rumours of a chain restaurant or coffee place going in, but it still has a lease sign in the window. Only time will tell.

Closer to home now, by the flower shop the neighbourhoods first ice cream shop has opened up. Its small and quaint but I wonder if it will stay open in the winter time.

Noticing all of these changes in the neighbourhood just from walking to and from the grocery store, I started feeling like I was an eggplant living in a now eggplant neighbourhood... but just then, a beautiful waft of grease, - part chicken, part egg roll, part salted meat, and part cheese - hit me like a ton of bricks. The hairs on my arms shot up like something that shoots up really fast, and I looked up with pure excitement and joy, and sure enough, right next to the raw food restaurant, there it was: Dundas Pizza. With the sun hitting the place just right, the sign lit up like a lite brite reading "open." The fan was turned on and the door was open for business. It made me realize that despite all of the changes that are happening around the neighbourhood, some things, thankfully, will never change.

On an unrelated note, here is a picture of a freshly killed raccoon right in front of our house. While Isaac was taking a picture of it, a couple walked by and asked if he was calling the city to clean it up. Awkwardly Isaac had to explain that he was taking a photo for his blog. What a heartless bastard.